The Perfect time for the perfect coin – $KENDU


If you want to achieve huge gains in this bull run/cycle you have to find a coin that has huge potential, impressive alpha, a massive community backing it (one that is WORKING), and a bit of luck. Lucky for you I am going to share my take on why KENDU is the one and this is still the perfect time (NFA and DYOR).

Price: We in the KENDU community have weathered these storms before and the price is an amazing entry right now. We will surpass this hiccup and move forward stronger with a greater holder count and a greater number of holders who see the vision and long term gains. These new holders will hold way way longer than your average SOLANA rug pull jeet. (believe it or not ETH fees do help with this concept IMHO).

DISCLAIMER: this is a play for those who have diamond hands, ready to help shape their financial future, and can ride out the ups and downs without ego and emotion.

Decennial Pattern:

Check out this graph/chart

LITTLE SNAFFU, image is not coming through in the post: Decennial Pattern Dow Jones 1897-2020 use this link or search what I put. I will continue to try to get the image to work. (anyone know why?)

CREDIT: This visual is readily available on the internet, but I got a screenshot from a talk Bruce Fraser did on a stream I watch. He is an OG Wycoff TA LEGEND. Upon a quick search I am not sure who the original author actually is, but wanted to give credit.

So what you are looking at is the decennial pattern that has been averaged out over the period from 1897 – 2020. The idea is that someone poured over the data of the Dow Jones (defined as: a stock market index that tracks 30 large companies on the New York Stock Exchange) over a 10 year cycle to average out performance. According to the above graph, every 5th year has averaged out to be the year with the highest gains for big companies in the Dow Jones (Apple, McDonald’s, Nike, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Amazon, Etc). In its inception in 1896, the Dow only had 12 companies including: U.S. Rubber, U.S. Leather, Chicago Gas, American Tobacco, etc. From what I see the gains are massively larger in the fifth year and we happen to be very close to stepping into the fifth year with 2025 approaching fast. We are also past the halving which bodes very well for BTC and crypto in general. The graph represents over 12 cycles of data to pull from across countless eras in history. Human behavior might just be the only constant in that long of a period of time, but will you be able to shed your ego and emotions? Wouldn’t it be crazy to see BTC one day be a part of the Dow in some way…

The only question that remains to be answered is does this decennial pattern prove true for all stocks, securities, assets, crypto? I can’t answer that for you or even myself, but in my experience ‘a rising tide does raise all ships’. I know the importance the halving presents and the gains that have always occurred after (proven by three cycles where the pattern played out with large gains), but the correlation is not cemented in stone. I do believe though this could set us up for a perfect storm of greatness and I am banking on the lead up and following year to be massive. KENDU has been deployed no doubt at the perfect time deliberately to allow a large runway to build out this project to be massive.

–> Check the u/KenduInu_Ecosystem reddit or Kendu Miazaki on X for price goals

I believe BTC will rip this cycle, BUT BTC is not going to hit the same exponential gains that a newly popular memecoin project, with a massive hard working community, and an experienced Dev and Loyalist team that are deeply connected in the crypto world will. This could be the chance to skyrocket your finances in a massive way if you can afford to take the plunge. Take one last look at the chart and look at the 2nd year part….huge correlation with BTC and crypto bear market bottom….I believe other correlations exist.

FINAL Thought:

In closing, if you have diamond hands, want life changing gains that only memecoins (in this case a memecoin project) can offer, and are ready to work for your bag WE WANT you in the KENDU army. People will come and go and bots will buy and sell KENDU for short term gains and even losses, but what matters is to keep increasing KENDU’s holder numbers. The ones with vision and long term financial goals for the entirety of this bull run. Come join the army, you have been informed!

P.S. Does this count as one of my: “The Case for KENDU Info Journals” series

submitted by /u/TheGDC33 to r/KenduInu_Ecosystem
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