Struggling between living in Ridgewood or Crown Heights or Bushwick?

Torn between:

1) A great spot i. Ridgewood 2 blocks away from Myrtle/Wyckoff L train BUT I’d be living with three people I don’t know ($1,000, big spot, two windows, great amenities).

2) Beautiful apartment in Crown Heights (2 blocks away from the children’s museum/Brower park, closest train is Kingston-Throop) – only one roommate, big space, in a brownstone, $1,250

3) A decent apartment in Bushwick (Central Av/Dekalb Av), big, and one roommate but the con is that it’s on the same block as the Central Av. M train so I’m worried it’s going to be really loud? $1,400

Grateful for any advice, I’ve been in nyc for years but never lived in Queens/Brooklyn!

submitted by /u/ladydangerbitch to r/AskNYC
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