There are no L trains running between Lorimer St and Broadway Junction while we replace a rail at Jefferson St and Morgan Av.
Travel Alternatives:
At Lorimer St, take the G to Court Sq for E, M trains into Manhattan.
At Graham Av, take the B24 bus to Marcy Av for the J, M.
At Grand St, take the Q54 bus to Marcy Av for the J, M.
At Montrose Av or Morgan Av, take the B60 bus to Marcy Av for the J, M.
At Jefferson St, take the B57 to Jay St-MetroTech for the A, C, F.
At DeKalb Av, take the B13 bus to Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs for the M.
At Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs, take the M.
At Halsey St, Wilson Av or Bushwick Av-Aberdeen St, take nearby B20 buses to Broadway Junction for the A, C, J.
submitted by /u/borkmaster0 to r/nyctransitalerts
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