Last bedroom in RidgeWick 3/2, roof rights and sub5 walk to Myrtle Wyckoff $1350


Think you can move in Aug 1. No brokers fee but first/security due by then. The unit is closer to Seneca Ave but still extremely walkable to Myrtle Wyckoff. I don’t have details but we should be allowed to go on the roof based on the listing. Third floor walkup.

Shared bathroom with a 22 she/they in grad school.

I don’t know the other roommate that well yet but I can introduce myself at least.

I am 27M software engineer. have a girlfriend, watch sports, play basketball, do some writing and coding projects, PC/board gaming in my free time.

I’m also a leftist. I guess I can live with basically anyone, but I’m stating that explicitly this time so that I won’t end up living with 2 of the only Republicans in Bushwick again.

We already have some stuff like a couch, small kitchen table, rug, minifridge, tv, nintendo switch for the common area.

submitted by /u/markd315 to r/NYCroommates
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