After Death – Next Steps – Need Guidance

Hello. My 69 year old brother is in hospice in Brooklyn New York (Wyckoff Heights Medical Center). This has been a long, often painful process. We expect him to pass any day now.

My sister-in-law (brother’s wife, to be clear) is overwhelmed. She has no provisions for what to do with his body after he dies but she does want to get him cremated.

My question is: what happens after he dies (pragmatically speaking)? Do hospitals provide any services for the arrangements for cremation or is that completely on us?

For the sake of my sister-in-law, I would like to know what to expect so I can help guide her through this as best I can.

Thank you for any help and guidance you can provide.

submitted by /u/Suggest_a_User_Name to r/hospice
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