Hey! The Talon Bar is hosting a party for anyone who loves japanese city pop music! I’m a massive fan and it’s one of my favorite music genres!
Looking to see if anyone is willing to chill and have a blast at what is really a unique event for a somewhat niche genre of music!
Looking to make friends and form new experiences!
It’s located at the Talon Bar and starts at 10pm and ends at 2am. Tickets are $19.98 on EventBrite. 220 Wyckoff Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11237
DM or comment if interested! . . .
Below is the definition of City Pop and the event description
Defined by Wikipedia: City pop is a loosely defined form of Japanese Pop Music that emerged in the late 1970s and peaked in popularity during the 1980s. It was originally termed as an offshoot of Japan’s Western-influenced “new music”, but came to include a wide range of styles – including funk, disco, R&B, AOR, soft rock, and boogie – that were associated with the country’s nascent economic boom and leisure class. It was also identified with new technologies such as the Walkman, cars with built-in cassette decks and FM stereos, and various electronic musical instruments.
Talon Bar Party Description: Back by popular demand, it’s If The Shoe Fits Collective’s Japanese City Pop Party! Stay with me because I can’t stop the loneliness If you’re a fan of Japanese City Pop, this is the party for you. We play all the classics from the genre as well as some goodies from a couple others. We’re gonna have you dancing and groovin the night away!
submitted by /u/Douchy_Mango_22 to r/nycmeetups
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