Former bushwick resident and accidentally sent a package to my old apartment.

I know this is a long shot but I used to live in bushwick a couple years ago and I recently bought a record that has since sold out and accidentally sent it to my old apartment in the neighborhood. I was so excited that it was reprinted that I didn’t even notice that Chrome autofilled my old address until I got the delivery notification. Low key I feel like a dumbass lmao.

Unfortunately I left New York a few years ago so I can’t exactly swing by lmao. So in a last ditch effort I’m trying here! If you live at 238 Wyckoff Ave and have received a package addressed to Joey K this past weekend please DM me! This is kind of a last ditch effort but the community here is pretty solid so I have some hope. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/tkzant to r/Bushwick
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