G trains should get 480′ sets; C & M trains should get 600′ sets

I’ve witnessed way too much overcrowding over the years on the C, M and G trains especially during rush hours, as well as aforementioned advocacy on this forum.

During rush hours, there’s only seating room once in a blue moon on the M from Delancey to Myrtle-Wyckoff and barely any standing room. It doesn’t help that the 6-8 tph headways suck and cause overcrowding at D-Esx. We need 600′ (10-car r160 sets) on the M period.

The G is also overcrowded in Rush hours from Lorimer/Metro to Hoyt-Schemerhorn. Lots of people are already advocating for 10-car sets so 480′ (8-car r160/179 sets) is a good middle-ground meeting point. ALSO, beefing up the G line with more cars can push provisions for a Forest Hills (nights & wk) extension to realistic territory.

The passenger volume on the C train also explodes from Jay Street to 42nd Street and there’s never any seating room on its 8-car sets in midday. Not only would 600′ (10-car r160/179 sets, coupled r160 swaps from G line) alleviate overcrowding but it makes 8th Avenue’s life way easier by giving the A/C an easier time to swap fleet.

Therefore I propose the 5-car r160 G Sets to be coupled and sent to the C & M lines while the 8-car 160s and 179s be sent to the G line.

-If there’s still a shortage of 600′ sets for the C & M lines, just [temporarily] fill in the void with the R46s on the C line, 600′ r160/r179s on the M line and the leftover 160s/r179s to supplement C service [until the r211s replace the r46s)

-If there’s a surplus of 8-car sets on the G line, send the remaining sets to Pitkin/Jamaica yards where they can run on either the Rock Park Shuttle or Weekend truncated lines (R &M) to supplement service.

How feasible and/or helpful is this?

submitted by /u/Carlos4Loko to r/nycrail
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