Month: April 2023

Michael and Elijah Hooper were last seen at their Long Branch residence on Sunday. Have you seen them?

He is 100% correct. Simply incredible.

$octo – Previously $tyde 1.48M free float. @MoonMarket_ @Wyckoff_G_ @zipcharlie

Understand Defination of Spring – Types of Spring – Wyckoff Method

NAS100, US30 & AUDUSD Wyckoff Trade Breakdown

Cách giữ tiền khi đã kiếm được tiền hiện tại| Chứng khoán Nam wyckoff

170 Wyckoff Ave 3R

$PSFE Daily Discussion – April 05, 2023

RT @WyckoffAnalysis: Chart Reading the Wyckoff Way (Part 4) – Power Charting on 3.31.2023 We continue with our historical case …

Crypto analysis📉📈 : ETH : After the pump, we can see an accumaltion. Now we can see a Wyckoff pattern. The RSI is high 73 and…

#kmpur wyckoff genel piyasa dongusunu ifade etmekte. Genelde uzun orta vade de sonuç alınabilmektedir veya stop olunabilmrkte. …

#AZTEK wyckoff genel piyasa dongusunu ifade etmektedir. uzun orta vade de sonuç alınabilmektedir veya stop olunabilmekte. 3-5 …

#sılvr wyckoff genel piyasa dongusunu ifade etmekte. Genelde uzun orta vade de sonuç alınabilmektedir veya stop olunabilmekte. …

#kontr @Temettu_Sever umut edelim bu olsun. wyckoff genel piyasa dongusunu ifade etmekte. Genelde uzun orta vade de sonuç alın…

No sé que opináis vosotros, pero yo el mercado ahora mismo lo veo de esta manera👇 🟢Foto general Veo una estructura acumulativ…

Short all your Bits coin. Right here at, 28400. SHOR ME ALL OF IT AND THEN WYCKOFF!

Weis Wave Debes saber que no todo el volumen operado en una onda alcista serán compras y no todo el volumen operado en una baji…

#EUREN Bir önceki planımız gerçekleşti Sonraki planım grafik üzerinde Wyckoff devam.. #BORSA #bist100 #XU100…

This week’s JMOR #tech #talkshow is coming Friday! Click the link below #ItSolutions #InternetSafety #Mi…

First graders had a blast decorating their new library tote bags with the help of their families. We can’t wait to fill them wit…

Buy/sell/hold, your shares don’t move the price. Algos, fib levels and gann fan will dictate the price. Yesterdays market sell o…

RT @simulationchess: Buy/sell/hold, your shares don’t move the price. Algos, fib levels and gann fan will dictate the price. Yes…

RT @heomai2019: 🤠🤠 Men’s Walking Shoes for Wear All Day Without Tired 🤠🤠

FVG’den yukarı push gelir gibi duruyor $29.500 civarı falan ayrıca wyckoff için yukarı gitmesi utad mı olur bilen aydınlatırsa i…

#pendle_fi 两年前就有耳闻,因团队试图在这方面创业,解决无常损失,但当时没看上,人家产品也刚上线不久,从界面到实现方案都是满满的demo感。 但现在,摇身一变,成为LSD-Fi的香饽饽。 是该好好反思下了,一定是自己的问题。

#MTRKS Harmonik hedefi ile yeşil alana geldik, Wyckoff aşamalarını takip etmekle birlikte Haftalıktaki Breaker Block alanına tem…

Top influences 1)@arcanebear /most honest none click bait YouTuber gives real value,Wyckoff expert 👌 2)@Bitboy_Crypto for shits…

RT @NYCTSubway: L trains are delayed in both directions while we replace rails at Jefferson St and Morgan Av. The last stop on …

今日份快乐: 亏过的钱,都成了下蛋的母鸡😭 #Gemesis

بازار سهام ضربات مهلک تورم را تحمل کرده و حالا برای اینکه تورم ما را نابود نکنه زیر چتر بازار میریم از این دست سهام که با الگوی…