Day: August 3, 2022

Rispoli Italian Bakery local to Wyckoff- Tara Landusco Supports Local Business!

Mario Diezperciento. Sistemas de comercio rentables. Consultorio AT. Wyckoff.

Wyckoff VSA works – Here is Proof

bốn điểm vào lệnh Wyckoff


$BBBY Wyckoff spring extremely bullish

RT @HootmoneyYT: $BBBY Wyckoff spring extremely bullish

KC Hunt, a right-handed pitcher out of Wyckoff, turned down an offer with the Pittsburgh Pirates to return to play in Mississipp…

1H TF of E-mini #SP500 #CME: notice the volume peaks at the US open and the corresponding price action. A lack of response from …

The median public-school teacher salary in New Jersey last year totaled $74,186, but pay significantly varies by district. https…

#Wyckoff #jobs #hiring #opportunity @ Christian Health Care Center (Wyckoff, NJ) – Activity Assistant

RT @seth_fin: @matt_loeber I agree! All these patterns including wyckoff is because this is how market makers take liquidity fro…

Not enough money left to buy friends?

🎮 #BiasGame 151- Quiz Fellow traders, play our weekly Bias Game. Is this chart showing Accumulation OR Distribution? Vote on the…

RT @WyckoffAnalysis: 🎮 #BiasGame 151- Quiz Fellow traders, play our weekly Bias Game. Is this chart showing Accumulation OR Dist…

RT @CryptoNick_1: When in December I saw and posted a Wyckoff pattern, I forecasted #Bitcoin exact moves for nearly 45 days in a…

$SPY potential intraday Wyckoff Distribution range forming. Watching how this forms as more data builds. CPI numbers out next we…

From ‘How I Trade and Invest in Stocks and Bonds’ – Wyckoff 1925

Mario Diezperciento. Sistemas de comercio rentables. Consultorio AT. Wyckoff.

RT @DavidLeyguarda2: Mario Diezperciento. Sistemas de comercio rentables. Consultorio AT. Wyckoff.

Abby Wyckoff ’24 reported in from her group trip to Normandy Academy and the WWII Museum, “The experience of a lifetime. Normand…

RT @50ematrader: From ‘How I Trade and Invest in Stocks and Bonds’ – Wyckoff 1925

RT @32Duke: Treyman 1st time playing a full round. #BallStriker #ShotMaker #GreatTeacher

$PSFE Daily Discussion – August 03, 2022

Sloppy Wyckoff: It’s not a perfect fit, never is. But imo we finna make some gains, looks to be at spring LPS. Sorry shorts.

#FTSE100 Missed the open. Sleeping in. It’s August after all Waited for a re-accumulation Volume coming after the US joins &amp…

S&Ps continue to hold gains. Sup: yest. low to about 4065. Res: yest high. #Wyckoff #learntotrade #tradingcourse #wyckoffana…

Intermediate cash S&P P&F suggests run toward 4300. May be building a stepping stone cause? Overall bullish. Larger coun…

RT @COE4AI: #AI conference Live stream 🔴Session 1, 10.30am–11.15am CET “International architecture of AI…

RT @DrGaryDayton: Intermediate cash S&P P&F suggests run toward 4300. May be building a stepping stone cause? Overall bu…